PhD Researcher, VUB Architectural Engineering
Ruben Van Vooren is a PhD researcher at the department of Architectural Engineering at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His research is supervised by prof. Waldo Galle and prof. Niels De Temmerman and is a collaboration with Bureau Bouwtechniek (BB), a Belgian technical design firm. Trained as an architectural engineer (Ghent University, 2017), he worked as an architect at DAM architecten and conducted technical audits and feasibility studies at BB. In his research, he aims to redirect redevelopment projects of office buildings towards value retention options (preserve, reuse, refurbish, remanufacture and repurpose) of façade products. In search of practical levers such as new roles, tasks or collaborations, he combines a focus on the value-network of the façade industry and decision-making processes in façade renovation projects.