Principal Architect and Co-Founder, A&S Architects
Nikolaos Siapkaras is the Principal Architect and Co-founder of A&S ARCHITECTS. Nikolaos was born and raised in Athens, Greece and has been a practicing architect for over 25 years. Nikolaos holds a Master of Architecture from the National Technical University of Athens as well as a Master of Science in “Architecture – Spatial Design / Architectural Design – Space – Culture” (Advanced Architectural Design Issues).
As a Principal Architect, Nikolaos has been in charge of multiple major high-profile sports, cultural, healthcare, education, offices, hospitality, mixed-use and residential projects around the world, from concept, to completion. Skilled in combining his architectural expertise with a deep commitment to sustainability and innovation. He is an expert in the architectural aspects of sports facilities (architectural study, evacuation plans, visibility study, bowl design, etc.). Nikolaos has been awarded with several international and national architectural design awards. His work has been widely published and exhibited in conferences and design events all over world.
Author of numerous publications and articles in Greek and foreign press (ek, ktirio, architect, yli & ktirio, arxitektones, detail, stadiumdb, etc), and co-author of the book “Construction Details” edited by Verlag Dashofer.