Sales Director - Africa, Schüco International
Andreas Brockschmidt started his career with Schüco International back in 1979.
After having worked for Schüco in UK for 7 during which he was responsible for setting up and running the Schüco UK branch, he decided to enhance his career by moving back to Germany 1993 to gain further experience in the window and CW industry by working for a façade consultancy firm.
In 1996 he joined a window and curtain wall contracting company being responsible as COO for estimating, factory and installation department.
After his return to Schüco International KG in 2000 he was responsible for the Middle East Markets which resulted ultimately in founding Schüco Middle East in UAE, which was recently turned into a 100 % daughter company.
Amongst the many countries he signed responsible for whilst working for Schüco International were USA, South East Asia, and the Middle East.
He currently holds the position of Sales Director for Africa.