Senior Associate, Hassell
Since joining HASSELL Sydney in 2001, BP Loh has been working in multiple studios cross Australia and Asia on projects ranging from Urban Design, Master Planning, Architecture and Interior Design. Leading and collaborating with multi-disciplinary teams, he delivered complex and award-winning buildings to which he committed throughout the design and construction stages of the projects. He champions the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) on large scale infrastructure, institutional and mixed use developments that include the Keppel Land’s Park Avenue Central in Shanghai. He was the project leader for the University of Queensland Global Change Institute that is the state-of-the-art, 6-star Green Star-rated, net-zero carbon, net-zero energy and net-zero water exemplar building in Australia. His recent institutional projects include the Master Plan and Foundation Building for University of the Sunshine Coast’s new Moreton Bay Campus in Queensland.
As a Practice Leader in Singapore, he also involved extensively in the design of the world-first multi-storey and integrated Railand Bus Depot near Changi. His design passion also extends into tutoring in school of architecture, producing fine art and public art exhibited in Australia, Singapore and Poland. He is a registered Architect with the Board of Architects (BOA) in Singapore and Australia, as well as Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). BP is also a committee member of Sustainable Energy Associate of Singapore (SEAS) and a corporate member of Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA).
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