General Manager, Schüco Digital
Christian has been working in the software industry for more than 30 years. After his study of information technology at the University of Transportation in Dresden and a first job as research associate at the Central Research Institute of Transportation in Berlin, he joined Schüco International Bielefeld in 1989. After, he built up a team for a brand new estimation software for facades and skylight constructions on top of an architectural 3D CAD software in the early nineties. CAD was the major topic of his work in conjunction with metal fabricators software for estimation, calculation and machine control. BIM became a very early subject on the Schüco Service agenda and some people are saying: the Schüco team under Christian has supported the principle of BIM in the metal fabricators practice for decades – even long before it became popular
Since the Schüco subsidiary Schüco Service GmbH was transformed into the current Schüco Digital GmbH Christian was made General Manager Digital Products developing and providing comprehensive digital solutions for architects, façade engineers and particularly for metal fabricators around the world.
Since 2008 he represents Schüco in the buildingSMART Germany.