Principal, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Christoph Timm leads SOM’s Enclosure Group, a practice embedded among the design and engineering studios in the firm’s New York office that focuses on the design of building enclosures and facades. With more than two decades of experience in the creative field, Christoph has designed a wide variety of projects that go far beyond architecture to encompass products, furniture, and even streetlights.
Christoph has deep expertise in the design and fabrication of high-performance building enclosures, and is particularly interested in how their aesthetically crafted appearances shift under varying lighting conditions. At SOM, Christoph started a construction site visit program that regularly takes young architects to different sites in New York to create a better understanding of the complexities of construction in relation to design. He is deeply engaged with technological innovations in the field and shares his expertise actively at conferences and industry events. He has also lectured on design and building performance-related topics worldwide.