Group Chairman & Chief Facade Engineer, Thermosash
For over 40 years (30 years as owner/operator) David Hayes CPEng, High Risk Producer Statement Author,has worked at Thermosash designing,manufacturing,testing and installing facade solutions around NZ on the highest risk projects. Thermosash, a 51 year old business, has no leaky building history,their facade solutions performed exceptionally well in both the Christchurch and Wellington earthquakes, better than a number of primary structures they were connected to, both from a human safety perspective and continuity of business use. The recently completed National Archives Project in Wellington would represent one of the highest performing specifically designed facade solutions in the world today, designed to comply with Conservation of Cultural Heritage Code BS/EN 16893 (requiring a U-value average < 0.4 W/m2.K and factor of 10 better than NZS 4284 airtightness after a DLS +/-35mm seismic interstorey building movement). Laboratory tested twice in WEC’s IANZ certified Test Facility as well as an in-situ as-built testing post installation which all passed the specification requirements. Thermosash has also been responsible for the recent facade solutions on UoA 201 Refurbishment project (an as-built 6 Star Green Star project in part due to our system solution’s high tested airtightness performance and low embodied carbon content), the Skycity Convention Centre, the Central Rail Link Stations architectural finishes and facade artworks. David leads the Engineering team at Thermosash and manages the design/build risk through the peer review process of issuing of Design Producer Statements for Council Facade Building Consent confirming NZ Building Code compliance