Eva Jacobs

Operations Manager - Curtain Walls and Joinery, Seco Group

Eva is an engineer specializing in exterior and interior joinery, façades, and roof cladding. With over two decades of experience at SECO, she has developed expertise in cladding, joinery, glazing, renovation, and many other areas. Eva is well-versed in Belgian standards and has extensive experience in both study and site inspections. She has participated in numerous prestigious projects in Belgium and international projects such as the Complex Ferrari in Abu Dhabi and the Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica. Currently, she is researching sustainable renovation of existing façades while preserving or recycling various elements. Eva also actively participates in various Eurocode and standard committees.

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This will be the 159th edition globally and the 1st edition in Brussels which will showcase sustainable innovations and challenges in the construction industry pertaining to the building envelope and will also display latest technological solutions.