Principal, KPF
Hana Kassem, Principal at Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, has more than 20 years of experience in the field of architecture leading the design of a variety of academic, research, cultural, transportation, hospitality, and commercial mixed use projects across the globe – with current work in Brazil, USA, France, the Philippines and China. Her design philosophy lies in the idea that design is human-centric and should enhance well-being and fulfill social needs, creating dynamic and stimulating environments. Some of the notable projects she has led with her colleagues include, the Red Hook Houses Resiliency and Recovery project for NYCHA, awarded an AIA Urban Design Merit Award in 2017, as well as the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center in NYC, a LEED Gold building that was awarded the AIA NYS Excelsior Award in 2015.
Hana currently serves as a member of the Van Alen Institute’s Board of Trustees as well as the AIANY Board of Trustees as Director for Design Excellence. A Registered Architect in the State of New York, she has served as Co-chair for the AIANY Global Dialogues Committee and founded in 2013 the Leaning Out annual series on Women in the field of Architecture and Construction. She teaches as adjunct faculty at Parsons, formulating studio topics that focus an experiential engagement with our environment, Wellness, and Resiliency within approaches that address marginalized communities. Hana is co-editor of a book entitled Architect d.b.a | On Re-defining the Roles of the Architect Today.