Head of Building Performance Engineering, WindowMaster International
Jannick Roth is the Head of Building Performance Engineering at WindowMaster International with a 10+ years of experience. Jannick Roth has a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) specializing in indoor climate, optimal ventilation design and energy-efficient construction. Jannick has worked on a wide variety of projects of varying sizes during his career, with a particular experience of natural- and mixed-mode projects throughout Europe and US. He has experience with several software tools in relation to dynamic building simulations of the indoor climate and energy consumption and produces flow calculations (CFD). Furthermore, he is involved in several international research projects focussing on creating lowered energy consumption and better indoor climate in building. Lobby activities and being a member and task group leader of different working groups on European level as well as national level Denmark, UK, ASHRAE (US) etc. is also a part of his work.