Senior Consultant | Façade Engineering & Building Physics, Arup
Kateri Knapp is a Senior Façade Consultant at Arup with the Façade Engineering and Building Physics team in New York. She is experienced in the design and engineering of building envelope systems, with a focus on projects that require multi-discipline integration, in particular calibrated daylighting coordination and tight thermal performance specifications. Knapp’s experience includes domestic and international projects in the arts and culture, governmental, and aviation sectors. Some of her recent projects include the Metropolitan Museum of Art ABC skylight replacement, the Metropolitan Museum of Art Michael C. Rockefeller Wing renovation, and the Frick Collection expansion and renovation. Knapp has served as Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute and has served as a guest design critic at Pratt Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She holds both a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.