Principal Architect & Director, Manuelle Gautrand Architecture
Manuelle Gautrand was born in Marseille (France), graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Montpellier as a DPLG architect and set up her own practice in 1991, living and working in Paris. As principal architect of MANUELLE GAUTRAND ARCHITECTURE, she designs and builds buildings in fields as varied as cultural facilities, offices, housing, commercial facilities, hotels, etc. To date, her agency has delivered about 30 buildings, all of which have been noticed, published, and very often awarded. She works for large public and institutional clients as well as private ones, in France and abroad.
“Re-enchanting the city” and thus moving, reinventing, renewing, innovating, and proposing unexpected responses in boldness and plurality are the founding principles of Manuelle Gautrand’s architecture.