Group Special Projects Manager, Permasteelisa Group
Marc Zobec (PhD, FIE Aust, EngExec, CPEng, IntPE ); is the Group Special Projects Manager for the Permasteelisa Group; a global leader specialising in the management, design, production and installation of bespoke architectural building envelopes and interiors systems. He holds a BE (Civil) and PhD from the UTS, and MEng in Structures and Building from Deakin University. With over 29 years of experience with the Permasteelisa Group he has served as Research & Engineering Director as well as Group Technical Director. Currently his role is Regional Design Director for Asia Pacific as well as Group Special Projects Manager; designing, developing and directing high level advanced facade projects across the group. He has lead and managed the design, engineering and research of numerous prestigious buildings worldwide and published in excess of 40 refereed technical, conference & journal papers in the areas of façade design, energy and sustainability, innovative materials and blast enhanced design. His main responsibilities include advanced manufacturing technologies, materials, lead-concept design and design-ability, innovation, R&D and computer analysis and modelling.