Oliver was born and spent his early years in Switzerland. He graduated with the Swiss diploma as construction draft man with a special field in structural reinforced concrete design. Later he worked with two famous civil engineering companies in Basel City, Switzerland and was involved on residential-, commercial-, industrial-buildings, tunnels, bridges, highways, harbor port and various other civil constructions works.
Thanks to his dual citizenship he decided almost 2 decades ago to learn more about Thailand and begun a new career in the Thailand construction business. He was starting as draft man at a Kanda Property, later as factory-, site- and project-manager in foreign led window and door companies and executed projects in the luxury low rise residential and high rise segment up to shopping malls and unitized curtain wall projects in Australia. Oliver is since 2013 Chief Representative of Schueco International KG in Thailand and lead the local team of 10 employees.
Schueco Thailand business revenue has grown since eightfold and we’re covering today all building envelope segments from Low-Rise to High-Rise Residential up to Customized Unitized Curtain Wall systems for commercial buildings.