Project Manager, Ductal® by LafargeHolcim
Pascal Pinet is an engineer and architect with over ten years of experience in developing and implementing innovative solutions to address complex engineering issues in the construction field. He first joined international consulting engineers such as ARUP or Bollinger+Grohman before moving into precast industry where he successfully managed operations for the first Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) buildings. Pascal is currently in charge of Architectural Segment Europe at Ductal, member of LafargeHolcim.
Pascal holds a Master of Sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), an engineering degree from Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics in Paris, and an Architectural Degree from ENSA Paris-Malaquais. Pursuing its passion for innovative cross-cultural approaches in the construction industry, he is a member of the Research group LIAT, Université Paris-Est, and teaches at ENSA Paris-Belleville.