Principal, Agence Rachid Andaloussi
Rachid ANDALOUSSI BENBRAHIM is an architect, he graduated from the École spéciale d’architecture of Paris in 1985 and created his agency in Casablanca in 1990. His Architecture is inscribed in a modern Casablanca, it testifies above all to the sensitive commitment of a passionate man. The love he brings to his city – Casablanca – or Casa as we usually say, this urban marvel is the very example of a modern city likely to absorb a secular tradition. In his absolute commitment to his city and for the sharing of these values, he was consecutively a member of the Regional Council of Architects, President of the association Casamémoire, professor at the École nationale d’architecture in Rabat. In 2009, he was nominated by Jeune Afrique as one of the 50 personalities of Morocco, and the weekly L’Express as amongst “The 100 who keep Morocco moving”.
His achievements include cultural works, Bibliothèque national du Royaume du Maroc (national library of the kingdom of Morocco) in Rabat 2005, Théâtre de Casablanca in collaboration with Christian de Portzamparc, prestigious public buildings (Cour de Cassation and the Palais de Justice de Rabat): urban development projects which subscribe to the same philosophy of the agency: to create quality architecture.