SP Anchuri

Chief Architect, Anchuri & Anchuri

Dr.Er.Ar.SPAnchuri is well-known Artist, Architect and Structural Engineer. He has excellentacademic and industrial track record. Dr. Er. Ar. Anchuri is Chief Consultant of Anchuri & Anchuri, a 30 years old consultancy firm having offices inHyderabad ,Amaravathi and Vizag. Designedmore than 3000 building projects with integrated architectural and structural design approach.

Triple graduate & triple post graduate from reputed institutions in Civil Engineering, Architectureand Architectural Engineering, Business Administration, Structural engineering & Concreteconstruction management respectively with one PhD in Structural Engineering from JNTUH,further doing research on integrating architecture and structure to achieve optimized formsforefficient tall buildings.

He is associate with many national and international professional bodies and also on the keyposition, Organised successfully many technical events including National and Internationalworkshops, seminars, Expostions etc. Delivered 800+ talk, 120+ Techinical papers, conferences etc.

Member of many national and international forums. Former chairman for many associations .Presently Chairman of FOCUS Hyderbad. Addl Co Convener of INTACH Hyderabad. He is ECBCExpert and the first TPA for ECBC for AP & TS, the first states in the country to implement ECBC. He is involved in more than 100 major non-residential projects as ECBC consultant and TPA.

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