Xavier Ferrés Padró PhD Architect by the ‘Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya’ UPC in 2017. Currently, University professor in the ‘Escuela de Arquitectura de Universidad de Navarra (ETSAUN-UNAV) in ‘Diseño avanzado de fachadas’ subject and in the ‘Escuela Técnica Superior de San Sebastian’ (ETSASS-UPV/EHU) as part of the academic commission in the MFL, Lightweight Facades Master, which belongs to the European Façade Network since 2007. Founder Partner director of ‘Ferrés Arquitectos y Consultores’ since 2007, cooperating with several Pritzker award winners in the façade consultancy all over the world. The whole of the professional career, more than 35 years, has been connected to the façade technology from every scope of activity and has collaborated in the construction of more than 200 buildings.