152nd Edition – Zak World of Façades France

This will be the 152nd edition globally and the 3rd edition in Paris which will showcase sustainable innovations and challenges in the construction industry pertaining to the building envelope and will also display latest technological solutions.

Speakers & Panelists
Chargée de mission du Lab-Climat, LBBA
Architecte,, LBBA
Président du COMITEC, , SNFA
Architecte Spécialiste de la conception circulaire, 3XN
Chef de Projet Senior, Bollinger + Grohmann
Jean-Rémy Nguyen is a senior project manager for the B+G Paris office. He works on Façade and structural engineering. He has substantial experience managing complex projects in France and worldwide. For more than ten years at Bollinger+Grohmann, he has invested...
Director | DLPG Architect, Axel Schoenert Architectes
Administrateur, Energie et Environnement
Ingénieur diplômé et doté d’un master en science de l’environnement, il a débuté sa carrière dans le laboratoire BEMS (Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation) de l’université de Liège avant de rejoindre le bureau Energie et Environnement en 2007 en tant...
Directeur Technique National, Nexity
Depuis septembre 2021, Olivier Autret occupe le poste de Directeur technique national immobilier tertiaire chez NEXITY Entreprises. Il est notamment en charge de l’élaboration des stratégies carbone / énergie, de la R&D et des produits innovants, notamment le concept Essentiel...
Directeur de projet, RFR
Charles Dufresne, Architecte, Ingénieur, est diplômé de l’Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires Paris-Est et de l’ESITC Cachan. Il a obtenu son habilitation HMONP à l’ENSA Paris-Malaquais. En 2012, il rejoint RFR Structure et Enveloppe et participe à...
Architecte associé, Moatti & Rivière
Diplômé en architecture du Politecnico de Milan, Fabio Bezzecchi a acquis une vaste expérience en travaillant avec des agences d’architecture internationales de renom, telles que Renzo Piano Building Workshop et Architecture Studio. En 2010, il rejoint l’agence Moatti-Rivière et devient...
CEO, Bellapart
Doctor in Aeronautical Engineering and postdoctoral researcher at the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), in 2018, she made a radical career shift to continue the family business, first as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Bellapart and later as the...
Présidente, Tribu Energie
Directeur Technique, VS-A
Après avoir obtenu avec distinction son diplôme d’Ingénieur Civil – Architecte à l’Université de Louvain la Neuve en Belgique, Nicolas DELPLANQUE intègre VS-A en 2006. Si Nicolas est régulièrement en charge de projets emblématiques tels que la Tour CMA-CGM sur...
Circular Economy Development Director, Saint-Gobain Glass
François Roux joined Saint-Gobain Glass in 2001, and has held a wide range of site management, sales and marketing positions in the glass industry. For the past 10 years, he has overseen relationships with contractors and architects, as well as...
Directeur de projet, Arcora
Antoine Laugier est directeur de projet chez Arcora, il pilote l’activité au Luxembourg. De formation double cursus architecte HMONP (ENSA Paris – La Villette) et ingénieur (ESTP), il développe une expertise en conception technique de façades, enveloppes et structures, initiée...
Cheffe de projet façades et structure, Elioth
Charlotte BORRITS est architecte et ingénieure, diplômée de l’Ecole des Ponts et de l’ENSA Paris-Est. Elle a une expérience de quatre ans dans le domaine des façades et structures, sur des nombreux projets en France et à l’international. Elle a...
Responsable Adjoint pôle Façade, Elioth
Vincent Le REST est ingénieur architecte diplômé de l’Ecole Centrale Marseille et de l’Université de Mons (Belgique). Vincent bénéficie de 10 ans d’expérience en tant qu’ingénieur façade chez elioth et a notamment été chef de projet sur des projets comme...
Architecte Associé, DTACC Architects
Diplômé de l’École d’Architecture de l’USEK au Liban. Sa rencontre avec un lointain cousin architecte, expatrié aux États-Unis, signe son engagement dans l’architecture. Les utopies architecturales ne l’intéressent pas. Selon lui, elles ne servent ni le présent, ni les vivants....
Architecte Associé, bechu + associés
Diplômé en architecture de l’Université de Ferrare, il a approfondi ses études en Urban Sustainable Design à la PUCPR à Curitiba, au Brésil. Les dix premières années de sa carrière ont été passées dans le cabinet de Mario Cucinella, où...
Architecte | Associée, STUDIOS Architecture
Head of Sales and Codirector, Fallprotec SA
Rémi Timmermans is Head of Sales and Codirector of Fallprotec SA, a company specializing in fall arrest and façade access systems.  Based in Luxembourg, he applies his expertise gathered for 15 years working on all scales of projects in Asia,...
Responsable Service Façade, AIA Ingénierie
Ingénieur-Architecte diplômée de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Milan en 2006. Elle travaille comme Chef de projet – Ingénieur façade chez VP&Green Engineering de 2009 à 2016 étant en charge entre autres des projet du Centre Spirituel et Culturel Orthodoxe Russe et...
Architecte | Président, STUDIOS Architecture
Technical and Sales Manager France, Alucoil
Soan Vasseur is an experienced professional in the ACM (Aluminium Composite Materials) sector. With 18 years’ experience, he has currently held the position of Technical Manager and Business Manager France at Alucoil since 2015. With a passion for technical matters,...
Glass Sustainable Offer Manager, Saint-Gobain
François Guillemot has held several management positions in Research & Development for the Building Flat Glass Activity of Saint-Gobain over 10 years: innovation, surface chemistry, wet coatings, process expertize for mirror and laminated glass. He has recently headed his career...
Project Manager, Eckersley O'Callaghan
Pierre graduated as a structural engineer in 2015, and has specialized in façade engineering since 2013. He worked for several parisian and international design offices before joining Eckersley O’Callaghan in 2019. With a strong multidisciplinary training at a high scientific...
Account Manager - Advanced Material Interlayers, Eastman Chemical
Stéphanie Godard is working at Eastman as the Business Development Manager for the Advanced Interlayers group in Europe. She is in responsible of overseeing the relations with the architects and the façade engineers, providing an experience of over 20 years...
Specification Manager EMEA, Axalta Coating Systems
Mercè Berengueras joined Axalta in 1998 and with wide experience in technical, productive and commercial areas around the powder business. Since 2015 she is leading the European & middle east specifications team and has a very close link to Architects...
Deputy General Manager, Elval Colour Iberica
Victor Fortanete is an Electrical Engineer from INSA Lyon. He has more than 15 years of experience in the construction industry, with 10 years as the construction project manager with BOUYGUES façade subsidiary in Spain (ACIEROID) and 4 years as...
Senior Innovation Manager, Schüco International KG
Oliver is an Senior Innovation Manager at Schüco, one of the leading international suppliers of high-quality window, door and façade systems and has over 25 years of experience in buildings and façades.   After an apprenticeship as a carpenter and...
Managing Director, Schüco International SCS
With a lifelong passion for construction and architecture, Jacques Llados has developed a new business strategy based on a detailed understanding of markets, a tailormade product offering and a well-developed culture of leadership… for the benefit of end-user customers via...
Deputy Managing Director, Schüco International SCS
Having graduated in general engineering from the Ecole des Arts et Métiers, François Gillardeau completed his marketing training with a Master’s degree from ESSEC. Having joined Schüco in 2007, he took over as head of its Aluminium Division in 2010,...
Projects and Key Accounts Manager, Schüco International SCS
Alexandre Krupka began his career with Schüco in 2002 as Marketing Manager in the Solar division. In that role, he grew the business as a result of introducing and ensuring certification of products in the French market, working in coordination...
Partner, XTU Architects
XTU is an architecture and urban planning agency founded by Nicolas Desmazières and Anouk Legendre, developing a truly innovative approach to the city and the habitat, drawing inspiration from the strategies and processes of life. Active since 2000, the XTU...
Associate Director, Eckersley O'Callaghan
Mitsu has worked in Paris for more than 20 years leading French and International projects for renowned architects including Heatherwick, NBBJ, Stanton Williams, BIG, Arep, SAANA, Studiogang and Morphosis. Her expertise focuses on highly technical structures and envelopes, often with...
Director, Elioth
Pierre-Arnaud Voutay received his engineering Master’s degree in 2000 and his PhD degree in 2004. He started his professional career as a structural engineer working on a number of important projects. In 2005, he joined RFR and became project director...
Conference Agenda
  • Challenges in new façade designs
  • Patterns, sharp edges, curved and 3D shape buildings
  • Case studies
  • Limiting solar gain in summer is certainly an important target, calling for solutions that impact the appearance of glazed façades and increase the cost of maintenance
  • Identification of the various requirements for effective sun protection
  • Presentation of projects with solutions based on 3 principles: motorized, maneuvering, manual maneuvering and absence of maneuvering
  • Why façade access matters?
  • The normative framework in Europe and France
  • Overview of possible designs
  • Between reality and imagination, heritage and modernism
  • Engineering at the service of architectural creativity
  • Technological challenge and constructive perfection

Sara Arbos

  • A LABCLIMAT to be the game-changer
  • Vision 2050: A new perspective on architecture and society
  • Façades: A leverage for the decarbonization of our projects
  • Rehabilitating existing buildings: An urgent necessity
  • Case studies and conclusion
  • Achieving excellence in projects
  • Exploring colors online and offline
  • Drawing inspiration from case studies and resources
  • Constraint or opportunity to reinvent project methods and organizations?
  • What observations have been made in France; what lessons have been learned abroad?
  • New construction methods (off-site/modular construction)

Antoine Laugier

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