23 years back, when he saw first glass building in Mumbai, Ashok Khemlani tied up with Cradle Runways International and imported the very first system. This was for DHL at Andheri. Subsequently, he started manufacturing the facade access systems in the same year.
Over the period, Cradle Runways has designed and provided several different types of BMUs including the project specific like Mumbai airport. They have carried out more than 2000 systems all over India and in other countries including Singapore, Srilanka, Kenya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and other Middle East countries.
Couple of years after Cradle Runways, Ashok started window cleaning first as a JV and subsequently by themselves. Today, they employ over 1000 window cleaners and are probably the largest in the world.
They provide many other value added services for the facades including rental of temporary suspended platforms. Ashok is an electrical engineer and in formative years he worked with OTIS Elevators for about 10 years which was his real introduction to vertical transportation.