Leonard Pianalto

Managing Principal, Read Jones Christoffersen

Leonard Pianalto’s experience as an engineering consultant spans over 25 years. He is technically minded, client-focused and results oriented. As a Managing Principal, Leonard oversees a diverse team of engineers and technologists to deliver a wide array of service offerings, including building enclosure design, energy modelling, heritage preservation, structural restoration, condition assessments, demolition planning, seismic upgrading, façade engineering and specialty structural engineering.

In Leonard’s technical practice, he focusses on custom façades and building maintenance.

Events of the Speaker
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This will be the 162nd edition globally and the 2nd edition in Vancouver which will showcase sustainable innovations and challenges in the construction industry pertaining to the building envelope and will also display latest technological solutions.
This will be the 120th global edition, 2nd edition in Canada and the 1st edition in Vancouver which will showcase sustainable innovations and challenges in the construction industry pertaining to the building envelope and will also display latest technological solutions.