CEO, Think Big Architects
Dr. Moamen elSoudani is a senior researcher, at the Chair of Building Technology and Architectural Design, TU-Berlin, Germany. Director of ESU-Lab research unit, at Mansoura University, Egypt. He is also the Co-Founder of THINK-BIG Architects, (elSoudani, Karim +Partners), Heliopolis, Egypt.
He got his PhD in 2016 from TU-Berlin, Germany, a specialist in Building Technology, Energy Optimization, and Urban-technical development . He is a leader of three research cooperation projects with Germany and UK with an amount of 500,000 Euros funded by DAAD.
Dr. elSoudani is a professional architect and planner, works experience in the biggest architectural companies in Germany such as gmp Architects International (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg and Partner), and Eike-Becker Architects, Berlin. He participated in more than 15 international architecture and infrastructure projects in Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt), Iran (Tehran) and India. His recent project in Egypt is the architectural design and environmental consultant of ‘Cairo Business Plaza’ a Class A office building with an area of (90,000m2) in the new administration Capital.