Haldun Yilmaz, has a bachelor degree from Bosphorus University in 1989, and masters degree in Industrial Engineering and has various certificates about Facade Engineering from institutions such as İTÜ and CWCT Bath University, alongside the 33 years of work experience in the Facade Industry. In 2019, he became a member of CIBSE-SFE with an MSFE title. After working 27 years in administrative levels of leading facade manufacturing and contracting companies in Turkey and abroad, he joined FMT Engineering Co. in 2014. With this Turkey based company, he is involved in International Facade Consulting and Engineering services in almost 15 countries in America, Middle East, Asia and Africa. For a long time, he took part in boards and committees of non-governmental organizations such as Tügiad and Talsad, and took volunteer duties in organizations such as T.S.E., DEİK and İBB. Since 1996, he has participated in academic presentations and panels of institutions such as YEM, TMMOB, and events such as ICBEST and Roof – Facade Conferences. Also, he lectures as a guest lecturer in many Universities. His articles are published in many sectoral publications. Besides continuing these studies, he is still working as the General Manager of FMT Engineering – Facade Consultancy Co. Inc.